miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


This is the offcial website for the workshop titled PHONETICS & IT TOOLS, at the II CONFERENCE ON PHONETICS, organized by A.J.P.I.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Some conclusions….
² Interactive nature of web based exercises allows students to carry out different tasks in an autonomous and creative way,
² Students’ motivation increases significantly;
² Strengthening of learned concepts;
² Relationship between theory and practice can be clearly observed;
² Possibility to integrate Phonetics with other core classes through a significant approach;
²Listening, aural-oral activities are highly valued;

….and some food for thought
² Integrating technology in the Phonetics class assists students and instructors to fulfill an ample range of objectives.
² Technological tools- highly dependant on the instructor’s and learner’s expertise prove to be very reliable instruments that allow the combination of multiple skills, and the integration of different aspects of spoken language.
² The integration of different types of media not only benefits students in the development of L2 skills, but also allows the inclusion of alternative teaching strategies that help further those skills.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCES Fletcher, C. 1990: Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Study Guide. Harlow: Longman
 Harmer, J. 2001: The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow: Longman
 Kelly, G. (2000). How To Teach Pronunciation. Harlow: Longman
 Ladefoged, P. 2001: A Course In Phonetics. Los Angeles: Harcourt
 Roach, P. 1999: English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Wells, J.C. 2000: Longman Pronunciation Dictionary

Thank you for your participation!
Comments? Suggestions? raldorino@yahoo.com
Share my blog! http://phon2seminar.blogspot.com/

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Phonetics an IT Tools

Websites & Links

Phonetics an IT Tools

What are IT tools?
These include technological devices that can be used
to support and facilitate teaching and learning
Technology is constantly evolving and the tools that we use are constantly changing and improving. When it comes to online learning tools, there is a whole new generation of web services from which instructors can make extensive use to make content more significant and learning more appealing.

Examples of Web Based Activities
 Relating sound to symbol
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works I
Academic Year: 1st Year-1st Semester
http://www.phonetics.ucla.edu/course/contents.html ²

http://www.antimoon.com/how/pronunc-trans.htm ²
Click on The International Phonetic Alphabet link
² Then click on demonstration of the phonetic transcription system. Be ready to listen to the audio file given in this section. Practice as many times as necessary to associate symbol to sound.

 Meaningful Content for Practice
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works I, II or III
Go to Section titled General Listening Quizzes. Once there, select two audio texts to work with. Texts should be of different level of complexity. Once both texts have been chosen, follow instructions to perform the quiz for each. Finally, choose one of the two texts to print out all the completed activities. A 50-word summary should be done on the other selected text.

 Theory Based tasks
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works I, II
Academic Year:1st, 2nd Year-1st Semester
Click on Activities & Exercises. When there, click on "listen to word endings" mini-exercise, and do the exercise on that page. Finally, type or write the words from the excercise in PHONETIC CHARACTERS

 Integrating Specific Content
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works II
Academic Year: 2nd Year- 1st Semester
Read the front page and then answer the following question
² What can be concluded after analyzing the two examples with different syllable numbers?
² Then go to Stress and Intonation Exercises section and do Pronunciation Exercise 1 or Pronunciation Exercise 2 and the task on The Music of English

 Examples of Interactive Activities
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works II
Academic Year: 2nd Year- 2nd Semester
http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-1/exercise-english-674.php ²
Watch the video. Write down 3 examples given in it to demonstrate the different effects of intonation. Then do “English exercise "Intonation: rising or falling?"

 Styles and varieties of Speech


 Integrating Other Content Areas
Course: Phonetics, Diction and Lab Works I, II, III

This is a spelling test video section that can be easily adapted to different levels. The main application for this video section can be a spelling dictation, which helps develop sound discrimination and writing at the same time.

For the teacher ( and students too)

Click on the link Pronunciation. Plenty of ideas and activities on helping your students with their pronunciation are given in this section, which may be used as class material or adapted to your own needs.

